여성리더십교육: 교육적 경험, 그 특성에 관한 탐색 - 부산지역 P기관의 여성 학습자들을 중심으로 -

The Women Leadership Education: Educational Experience, Exploration about their Characteristics - On the women learner at the P center in Busan

  • 투고 : 2012.02.01
  • 심사 : 2012.05.11
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


This paper focuses on understanding what kind of experience the women leadership education can provide for adult learners and how the learners grasp a characteristic of a women leader. For this, the research interviewed learner who complete the women leadership course at the P center in Busan. To this end, it is discussed in two sides. One side is about educational experience, the other side is about leadership. In the aspect of former approach, the leadership education shows the characteristic which is much closer to the meaning of the education itself rather than that of leadership. It not only put much emphasize on the recovery to the self but also shows the relation-oriented characteristic like building up social net-work. In the aspect of the latter, by connecting the woman and leader, women expects they wish to be a 'trustful leader'. For them, 'trustful leader' is the true leader. In addition it also means 'charismatic leader', 'servant leader', 'the leader with member to growth' and 'the leader with a rational and reasonable'. Although women acknowledge that women leader's authority and power is important for the realization of the real equality of women, at the same time, however, they worry about the possibility that this leader become a kind of a 'power-oriented leader' which causes conflict and suppress the weaker. This study argues that we need to concentrate more on the new perspective which focuses on the sharing and bordering occurred in inner gender rather than the former approach which focuses on the difference between genders.



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