주민참여 마을만들기 거주 후 평가에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 사례를 중심으로 -

Post Occupant Evaluation of Residents' Participation Community Design - Focused on the Cases of Seoul -

  • 투고 : 2012.03.18
  • 발행 : 2012.06.25


The study attempts to evaluate residents' participation community design focused on the 3 pilot cases of Seoul. The goal of the study is to develop the user participation community renewal methods to fit Korean society. The trend of mass production of residential environment and urban renewal projects in Korea have been reevaluated concerning community history and people's neighborhood attachment. In this context, neighborhood rehabilitation methods are developed focused on residents' participation community design and self-governing community system. The study consists of 2 issues; first, developing evaluation model for residents' participation community design, second, POE of 3 cases of residents' participation community design projects in Seoul. The study method has been used is face-to-face interview with structured questionnaire throughout 3 cases of Seoul humantown completed in 2011. Total 101 samples are used for analysis using SPSS18.0 program. The survey includes process criteria, the evaluation of the design criteria and the criteria of evaluation of the self-governing committee. The results have been discussed emphasizing on the comparison of the degree of residents' participation, satisfaction of neighborhood renewal, and evaluation of self-governing committee among 3 cases.



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