공공사업의 사후평가를 통한 사업선택 절차 수립에 관한 연구 - 노후 장기공공임대주택 주거성능 향상 사업을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Improvement of Selection Process through the Post-evaluation for the Public Projects - Focused on the Establishment Projects for Aged Long Term Public Rental Housing -

  • 투고 : 2011.10.25
  • 발행 : 2012.05.25


Korea, long-term public rental housing has started to supply as permanent rental housing since 1989. Then, several types of long-term rental housing have been supplied. Therefore the facilities are so aged that residents require to improve them. And government wants to provide with the same quality of rental housing to residents who have the same qualifications. So the public projects have begun to improve the facilities of long term rental housing in 2009. However, the process of implementation and budgeting for projects is determined during the short period. Therefore, the selection process of projects elements need to improve. This study aims to improve the selection process through the post-evaluation of residents and relevant persons. Pursuant to the post-evaluation 4 directions of improvement are suggested and the applicable selection process for the next projects. The results of this study is to establish the direction of policy for the next public projects and the selection process of the other public projects for improving aged facilities basis on the post-evaluation.



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