병영생활관에서의 수자원 재이용시설 도입을 위한 LCC분석

LCC Analysis for the Adoption of Water Recycling Facilities in Barracks Dormitory

  • 정덕기 (한양대학교 대학원 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 안병주 (전주대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 김재준 (한양대학교 건축공학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.01.16
  • 발행 : 2012.04.25


As the water shortage issue according to population growth and climate change emerges, the importance of water management is being newly on the rise. However, It is the real state that the adoption of water recycling facilities for securing water resources is insignificant in the current Army. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to adopt a method capable of optimizing introduction of water resource recycling facilities to a barracks dormitory and to compare its economic feasibility through LCC analysis on these. This research has performed calculation of the amount of water used, selection of original water, utilization usage, calculation of recycling quantity and treatment method according to the scale of a barracks dormitory for composition of water resource recycling facilities. This research has set an analysis type based on this, and executed LCC analysis through deduction of initial investment expenses, private benefit and social benefit of the water resource recycling facilities at the barracks dormitory. Though the introduction of water resource recycling facilities to the barracks dormitory brings about raising of initial investment expenses, it could be known that when considering the aspects of useable life and maintenance of a building, annual energy consumption and water resource savings especially, it is economical. When considering an aspect of water resource reduction, it could be known that the water recycling facilities of the regiment scale using rainwater are economical by around 72%, compared to water supply facilities. The water recycling facilities should be actively adopted at the barracks dormitory in the aspect of utilization of efficient water resources and saving effect of a defense budget.



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