경관관리체계 운영실태 분석 및 개선방안 연구 - IFEZ 경관상세계획을 중심으로 -

Improvement and Analysis on Operational Conditions of Cityscape Management - Focused on Detailed Cityscape Plan of IFEZ -

  • 투고 : 2009.12.03
  • 발행 : 2012.03.25


When the central government designated three areas, namely Youngjong, Cheongna and Songdo as Korea's first free economic zones in Incheon 8 years ago, with the purpose of transforming it into the new growth engine of the Korean economy by utilizing the advantages of Incheon City combined with an improved business environment and living conditions for foreign investors. IFEZ(Incheon Free Economic Zone) is aiming to construct the best international city of the 21st century to realize its "plan to build a Northeast Asian Business Hub". The vision of IFEZ is to develop a city with an attractive business environment and modern living conditions where global corporations will be able to invest freely and conduct business comfortably. So Incheon Free Economic Zone was anticipated to be a city with good urban landscapes and they tried to achieve a well-designed guideline through the Urban Landscape Master Plan. But it was not enough to control the urban-scape and the urban-design, furthermore there was no even higher or related plan. Even though "Urban-scape law" was established in 2007, it could not useful, so IFEZ chose "DCP : Detailed Cityscape Plan" as the first urban-design control method in Korea. DCP is a more detailed plan about landscape part of "DUP : District Unit Plan". The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of DCP and to propose the application as Urban Design Guideline. Through the study, it was found that IFEZ DCP was a fine example of planning for other local governments to follow in Korea. Sometimes it was difficult for government officials and citizens to understand or to use because of its technical language. And frequently changing the part of design in IFEZ. The total design system will be succeeded. If DCP is controled by MA(Master Architect) or MD(Master Designer) over general Department.



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