분노조절문제를 가진 아동에 대한 가족치료 사례연구

A Case Study on Family Therapy for a Child with Anger Controling Problem

  • 투고 : 2012.03.12
  • 심사 : 2012.06.11
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


This study aimed to explore the anger of child, the factors influencing the anger of child, the therapeutic techniques of therapist to resolve the marital conflict as well as the anger of child and the changes of family members after getting family therapy. The data was consisted of recording transcripts and note-taking of 8 sessions family therapy. The study used a constant comparative analysis and Miles & Huberman's matrix and network display as analysis method. The anger of child included aggressive and violent behavior, temperament, fear, anxiety, and negligence of rule. The study revealed parental dysfunctional communication patterns and parental experiences from family of origin as factors influencing the anger of child. The study found therapist's self-disclosure, sharing and comparing with similar cases, explanation of dysfunctional communication patterns, explanation about similarity in generational transmission process, and suggestion of new solutions as therapeutic techniques. The result of study showed the alleviation of marital conflict, the amelioration in the anger of child, and the change in the relationships of family members after getting family therapy.



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