Development of Assessment Indicators and System for Ecotourism Designation

생태관광 지정제 도입을 위한 평가지표 및 체계 개발

  • Choi, Hee-Sun (Environment Assessment Research Group, Korea Environment Institute) ;
  • Kim, Hyun-Ae (Environment Assessment Research Group, Korea Environment Institute)
  • Received : 2011.12.15
  • Accepted : 2012.02.08
  • Published : 2012.02.29


Ecotourism has been attracting much attention as an example industry that can vitalize local economy markets and preserve natural resources. Implementation of 'Ecotourism Designation System' is under consideration to provide ecotourism products that can both emphasize the original meanings of ecotourism and ensure stronger trust from customers than ever before. This research introduced the direction, principles, subjects, and assessment indicators by subjects in terms of implementing the system and proposed fundamentals for both designation assignment and score calculation. In the face of implementing such a system in Korea, the investigation sought subjects whose target areas and programs are in need of examination. For assessment criteria by subjects, six assessment indicators were selected in the end for ecotourism sites, including: (1) the value of natural/ecological preservation (2) facility's ecological design (3) understanding both the environment and local culture (4) systems connecting local communities for cooperation (5) long/short term preservation and maintenance strategies/plans (6) willingness to further develop ecotourism and cooperative platform. In addition, seven assessment indicators were selected for program assignments, including: (1) the value of natural/ecological preservation (2) minimization of environmental effects (3) expansion of environmental understanding (4) sharing the local culture (5) vitalizing local connections and economical activities among communities (6) securing and maintaining professionality among human resources (7) odds of continuation, creativity, and aptness to improve programs. After considering the pros and cons of both categorizing system and yes/no system, implementation of categorizing system for the short term and yes/no for the long term were suggested, followed by additional suggestions of a score calculation system for each system. The official implementation of the 'Ecotourism Designation System' is scheduled for launch in 2013 after the trial operation in 2012. The assessment indicators and fundamentals suggested in this research, considering judgment, must be improved via systematic and practical methods through the trial operation.



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