Asymptotic Characteristics of MSE-Optimal Scalar Quantizers for Generalized Gamma Sources

  • Rhee, Ja-Gan (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • Na, Sang-Sin (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University)
  • Received : 2012.03.02
  • Accepted : 2012.05.07
  • Published : 2012.05.30


Characteristics, such as the support limit and distortions, of minimum mean-squared error (MSE) N-level uniform and nonuniform scalar quantizers are studied for the family of the generalized gamma density functions as N increases. For the study, MSE-optimal scalar quantizers are designed at integer rates from 1 to 16 bits/sample, and their characteristics are compared with corresponding asymptotic formulas. The results show that the support limit formulas are generally accurate. They also show that the distortion of nonuniform quantizers is observed to converge to the Panter-Dite asymptotic constant, whereas the distortion of uniform quantizers exhibits slow or even stagnant convergence to its corresponding Hui-Neuhoff asymptotic constant at the studied rate range, though it may stay at a close proximity to the asymptotic constant for the Rayleigh and Laplacian pdfs. Additional terms in the asymptote result in quite considerable accuracy improvement, making the formulas useful especially when rate is 8 or greater.



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