조선전기 대규표의 구조에 대한 연구


  • 투고 : 2012.04.16
  • 심사 : 2012.06.12
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


In this paper, we study the structure of the Daegyupyo (大圭表, Large Gnomon) of the early Joseon dynasty. A Gyupyo (圭表, Gnomon that is Guibiao as pronounced in Chinese) is composed of a Pyo (表, Biao as pronounced in Chinese) making a shadow and a Gyu (圭, Gui as pronounced in Chinese) measuring its length. It is known that the Daegyupyo with the 40-feet height was constructed between the sixteenth to seventeenth year of the King Sejong reign (1444 - 1445) on the basis of the record of Yuanshi (元史, the History of the Yuan Dynasty). By analyzing historical documents such as Joseonwangjosillok (朝鮮王朝實錄, the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Yuanshi, and Jegaryeoksangjip (諸家曆象集, a work written by Sunji Lee), we found a possibility that the Ji (池, a pond) on the Gyu was located in the north side of the Pyo. This structure is different from that in previous studies, but is in a good agreement with that of the 40-feet Guibiao remaining in Dengfeng (登封) of China. Regarding to the Hoengyang (橫梁, cross-bar), we suggest that it was set up by double 5-feet supporting arms apart from the north tip of the Pyo in the radial direction. The 3:4:5 ratio in a rectangular triangle was used to place the Heongyang on the top of the Pyo at a distance of 4-feet (3-feet) in the vertical (horizontal) direction. We also discuss the structural problem when the Hoengyang is positioned apart from the top of the Pyo by supporting arms. In conclusion, we think that this study should be useful in restoring the Daegyupyo of the Joseon dynasty.



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