요양시설의 조직구성원의 임파워먼트가 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Study the impact on job satisfaction in the care facility of the empowerment of the members of the organization

  • 김창태 (대구미래대학교 병원의료업무과) ;
  • 곽경자 (대구광역시 교육정보원)
  • 투고 : 2012.08.30
  • 심사 : 2012.10.30
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


최근 우리나라 의료복지 분야는 인구의 고령화, 만성질환의 증가, 교통사고, 각종 산업재해, 약물 오 남용, 의학의 발달, 국가복지재정의 악화 등 다양한 환경변화에 둘러싸여 있으며, 새로운 형태의 의료복지와 관련된 새롭고 다양한 서비스 개발의 필요성이 부각되고 있다(조만복, 2010). 국가의 경제적 수준이 높아질수록 사회복지에 대한 사회적 관심은 증가하는 추세이나 복지에 대한 국가의 역할 축소와 사회복지정책에 민간참여의 확대 등 사회복지 여건의 변화는 요양시설 사회복지사들에게 시설서비스의 효과성과 효율성 제고를 위해 다양한 새로운 지식과 기술 습득, 그리고 스스로 최고의 성과를 달성하고자 노력하는 정신자세의 정립을 요구하고 있다. 요양시설에서 서비스 제공자인 사회복지사는 시설클라이언트의 삶의 질에 직접적인 영향을 미치며 서비스의 효과성에 매우 중요한 영향을 미치게 된다. 그러나 양질의 서비스 제공이라는 중요한 책무성을 지니는 장애인 및 노인요양시설은 조직 및 직무환경에 있어서 직원개발 기회의 부족, 조직보상체계의 미흡, 조직의 폐쇄성, 직원자율성의 결여, 전문성의 부족 등의 다양한 문제를 경험하고 있다(이문휘, 2007; 신현석, 2006; 박정양, 2003; 김철용, 2009). 본 연구는 실천현장에서 요양시설조직 내에서 요양시설 사회복지사의 임파워먼트 영향요인인 직무의 특성, 조직의 특성 요인에 대한 인식과 임파워먼트 수준 그리고 직무만족도에 관해서 알아보고 이러한 변인들이 사회인구학적 특성 변인별로 차이가 있는가에 대해서 살펴보고자 한다. 또한 요양시설 사회복지사의 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향력을 분석하고, 직무의 특성, 조직의 특성 그리고 임파워먼트 수준이 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 연구 목적이 있다.

The purpose of the study is to suggest the measure for the improvement of job satisfaction and level of empowerment of sanatoriums' social workers by analyzing factors of empowerments' effect on the job satisfaction, and investigating level of empowerment and job satisfaction of social workers of sanatoriums for the elderly and the handicapped. The result of investigation and analysis on subjects of 420 social workers of sanatoriums for the elderly and the handicapped in Youngnam area for this is as follows: First, job characteristic that is empowerments' influence factor of sanatoriums' social workers is appeared in order of feedback, and function variety, and in organization characteristic is appeared in order of leadership, reward, and employee development. Second, level of empowerment that is recognized by sanatoriums' social workers is appeared a little higher than normal level and significance is appeared highest, and next are capability, self-determination ability, and influence. Third, features that showed significant difference with significance in general characteristic of sanatoriums' social workers were 'sex', 'marital status', and 'religion', and features that showed significant difference with capability were sex, age, marital status, academic background, and employment history. And features that showed significant difference with self-determination ability were sex, age, marital status, and employment history, and features that showed significant difference with influence were sex, age, employment history and types of facilities. Fourth, the whole average of job satisfaction of sanatoriums' social workers was 3.82 out of 5, which is generally high, features that showed significant difference statistically were age, marital status, academic background, employment history, and types of facilities. Thus, job satisfaction was appeared as high as 'more than age of thirty' in age, 'married' in marital status, 'under graduates of colleges' in academic background, and 'less than three years' in employment history. Fifth, as for factors that had influence on job satisfaction, the indirect effect with empowerment was appeared that had significant effect in organization characteristic, and had few effect in organization features. On these results, practical measures to increase job satisfaction of sanatoriums' social workers are as follows: First, political approach is required to standardize duty system(by various types of facilities and clients' characteristic) of social workers of sanatoriums for elderly and the handicapped, and help to do the role as professionals with giving better treatment and building self-respect by enough reward. Second, to suggest chances to perform the responsibility for the duty of the scenes by the regular supervision, establish regular supervision system of social workers of sanatoriums for the elderly and the handicapped, and the extension of duty to increase the functional varieties. Third, it is required to motivate to have self confidence for the work and to use potential ability with transforming leadership, and to have more chances of education for the self-development. To increase job satisfaction of sanatoriums' social workers who give direct services in sanatoriums for the elderly and the handicapped, more active and positive empowerment's level improvement is in need by improvement of empowerment for them.
