Sum-Rate Optimal Power Policies for Energy Harvesting Transmitters in an Interference Channel

  • Tutuncuoglu, Kaya (Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory (WCAN), Electrical Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University) ;
  • Yener, Aylin (Wireless Communications and Networking Laboratory (WCAN), Electrical Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University)
  • Received : 2011.10.11
  • Published : 2012.04.30


This paper considers a two-user Gaussian interference channel with energy harvesting transmitters. Different than conventional battery powered wireless nodes, energy harvesting transmitters have to adapt transmission to availability of energy at a particular instant. In this setting, the optimal power allocation problem to maximize the sum throughput with a given deadline is formulated. The convergence of the proposed iterative coordinate descent method for the problem is proved and the short-term throughput maximizing offline power allocation policy is found. Examples for interference regions with known sum capacities are given with directional water-filling interpretations. Next, stochastic data arrivals are addressed. Finally, online and/or distributed near-optimal policies are proposed. Performance of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated through simulations.



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