S 전자 근로자 집단 백혈병 사건

Workers' Compensation of Semiconductor Leukemia Victims

  • 발행 : 2012.03.31


Objectives: To review the occurrence of cancer cluster in S Electronics semiconductor factories, process of epidemiological researches and lawsuit for industrial accident compensation. Methods: Occupational Safety and Heatlh Research Institute (OSHRI) epidemiological research report, Seoul National University (SNU) field survey report and Seoul Administrative Court ruling were investigated. Result:: OSHRI denied the association between working environment and outbreak of cancers, but SNU survey team reported that carcinogens do exist in workplace and the workers are exposed to them. Seoul Administrative Court ruled that 2 victims got cancer due to hazardous chemicals in working environment and be compensated but 3 victims were not acknowledged. Conclusions: Procedure of current OSHRI epidemiological research should be reassessed by the purpose of Occupational Accident Compensation Insurance Law.



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