This study aims to figure out the effects of dental hygienists' professionalism and self-efficacy on job satisfaction using structural equations. This research conducted a survey to 616 study subjects. According to the analysis using SPSSWIN 18.0 and AMOS 20, the results are as follows : 1. It was shown that the dental hygienists' professionalism gained 3.34 points, self-efficacy was 3.76 points, and job satisfaction received 3.36 points. 2. It was found that as their age was higher, educational degree was higher, they were married, and working experience was more, their professionalism, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction were higher, which showed statistically significant difference. 3. Regarding the study model, there was positive effect as the correlation coefficient of professionalism and self efficacy was .69, that of professionalism and job satisfaction was .33, that of self-efficacy and job satisfaction was .59. In other words, there was correlation between professionalism and self-efficacy. When self-efficacy was higher than professionalism, job satisfaction also increased. Job satisfaction is affected by various environments within an organization and each individual's internal factors. The reason why job satisfaction is important is that along with the medical service quality and productivity, it is also associated with dental hygienists' individual life quality. In order to cope with this changeful time, it is needed for an organization to make efforts for change to enhance dental hygienists' job satisfaction, and also it is necessary to make endeavors so that dental hygienists can have confidence in their job and their professionalism and self-efficacy can be improved.
본 연구는 구조방정식을 이용한 치과위생사의 전문직업성, 자기효능감이 직무만족에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 616명을 대상으로 설문조사 하였으며, SPSSWIN 18.0과 AMOS 20 통계프로그램을 이용하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 치과위생사의 전문직업성은 3.34점, 자기효능감 3.76점, 직무만족도 3.36점으로 나타났다. 2. 연령이 많을수록, 교육정도가 높을수록, 기혼인 경우, 근무경력이 많을수록 전문직업성, 자기효능감 및 직무만족도 정도가 높은 것으로 나타났고, 통계적으로도 유의한 차이를 보였다. 3. 본 연구모형은 전문직업성과 자기효능감의 상관계수는 .69, 전문직업성$\rightarrow$직무만족도 경로에서는 .33, 자기효능감$\rightarrow$직무만족도 경로에서는 .59로 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 전문직업성과 자기효능감과의 상관관계는 어느 정도 있는 것으로 나타났고, 전문직업성 보다는 자기효능감이 높을수록 직무만족도가 증가하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 직무만족은 조직 내의 다양한 환경과 개인의 내적 요인에 영향을 받는다. 직무만족이 중요한 이유는 의료서비스의 질생산성과 함께, 치과위생사 개인의 삶의 질과도 연관되기 때문이다. 변화하는 시대에 대응하기 위해서는 치과위생사의 직무만족도를 증가시키기 위한 조직의 변화와 노력뿐만 아니라, 치과위생사들의 직업에 대한 확신, 전문직업성과 자기효능감을 향상시키기 위한 노력이 함께 동반되어야 한다.