시청 불편감을 유발하는 스테레오스코픽 3D 비디오 콘텐츠의 복합적 요인들의 실증적 분석

Substantive Analysis of Composite Factors Causing Viewer's Discomfort for Stereoscopic 3D Video Contents

  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


This paper analyzes qualitatively the stereo 3D content factors causing viewer's discomfort. For this, we perform a subjective test that each subject strokes a specific key whenever he (she) feels discomfort during watching a stereo 3D contents. Also we extract the data for the factors in the 3D contents to obtain their quantitative values and the amounts of the temporal changes. Those two sets of data are used to analyze the contents to find the factors which cause viewer's discomfort. The factors to be considered are the amount and the frequency of the disparity changes, story of the contents, situation or environments of a scene, movement and the position of the camera, color and luminance information as well as disparities themselves. We analyse the various strong and weak factors and their composites to find how much discomfort each factor or composite causes. We also show the situations and their related factors that causes less discomfort than the amount of their disparities.



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