모바일 투표의 문제점과 해결을 위한 시스템 요구 사항 - 2012년 민주통합당 경선 사례

Problems of the Current Mobile Voting and System Requirements for the Solutions

  • 최종명 (목포대학교 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 고형대 (목포대학교 멀티미디어공학과)
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


Mobile voting can reduce the costs spent in elections, and it can encourage people to participate in the elections more actively because it allows them to vote anytime at anywhere. The trial of mobile voting in 2012 by Democratic United Party in Korea, showed the possibilities of mobile democracy but it also showed very critical problems such as illegal voting by proxy, source code open, open to nationwide for local parliamentary candidate ballot, privacy and hacking. In this paper, we analyze the result of the mobile ballot trial, and introduce the problems that has been revealed. After that we propose some system requirements for the new mobile voting system to prevent the problems according to the stages of voting: system development, voting stage, and counting and validating stage. At each stage, there are several requirements to be met for reliable mobile voting. Our research contribute to mobile democracy and implementation of mobile voting systems in that we analyzed the real case and raised issues for the real problems.



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