스마트폰 재구매결정에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

A study on the Effect of Repurchase Intention for Smart Phone

  • 전성현 (건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과 벤처기술경영) ;
  • 최승일 (서울대학교 경영대학 기술경영)
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The demand of smart phone that recently came into spotlight as a new media is sharply increasing not only in Korean market but also in worldwide market but the academic study on this is still in the beginning stage. Hence, it would be a well-timed topic for discussion to make a systematic investigation and analysis. The technology acceptance model used in this study as a theoretical frame can set various external factors in introduction of new information technology as variables. This study made an assumption that such external factors would influence on perceived usefulness, easiness and amusement and such perceived awareness would make an impact on user's satisfaction and repurchase intention. This study proposed an empirical model in order to find out the recommendations and repurchase intention for new media, smart phone. This study model was validated to be very effective model that can explain more concretely and systematically for repurchase of smart phone. In conclusion, this paper illustrates a paradigm shift in smart environment to smart device manufacturers under fierce competition in the world market as well as various analysis results on consumer's use patterns according to such paradigm shift, which shall be utilized as useful information when establishing a marketing strategy for smart phone.



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