PNF and Movement
- Volume 10 Issue 1
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- Pages.35-41
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- 2012
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- 2508-6227(pISSN)
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- 2508-6472(eISSN)
Effect of High-heel Shoes on Muscle Activity of the Lower Limbs
신발 굽의 높이가 하지근육 근활성도에 미치는 영향
- Ma, Sang-Yeol (Department of Physical Therapy, Masan University) ;
- An, Seong-Ja (Department of Physical Therapy, Masan University)
- Received : 2012.01.22
- Accepted : 2012.02.24
- Published : 2012.03.30
Purpose : This study was conducted to identify the effects of high heel shoes on surface electromyography(EMG) activities fo tibialis anterior(TA), soles(S), and gastrocnemius(G) in 12 healthy women. Methods : Subjects were composed of three group(sports shoes, 5cm heel height shoes, and 9cm heel height shoes). The muscle activity of the TA, G, S in the lower leg were measured using a surface EMG. Results : Results of one way repeated measures ANOVA of the after waling 30minutes standing task duration among the sport shoes, 5cm, and 9cm heel height conditions. The comparison of the muscular activities showed significant differences in the G muscles among the high heel shoes. Conclusion : Wearing high heel shoes for hours will bring inappropriate alignment of the lower limbs and cause postural changes or abnormal sensation and several other problems in the body, resulting in exposure to ankle sprain or fall injuries.