A new asiatic lily cultivar 'Point' was derived from a cross between $Lilium$ $concolor$ var. $partheneion$ and 97-5 with orange colored petals made in 2000. The selection and the survey for the flower characteristics were conducted from 2005 to 2008 by using vinyl tunnels and greenhouse at Highland Agriculture Research Center, NICS, RDA. Based on flower color, 'Point' cultivar belongs to orange red group (O-R N30C). There was lots of spots in petal. The flowers had brown stigma and dark brown pollen. The stem color was dark purple. The flowering date was July 8. The plant height was 88.2 cm and flower numbers were 5.4 ea. The length and width of petal were 6.3 cm and 3.2 cm, respectively. The flower size was smaller than that of 'Prato' cultivar. The number of leaves was 12.2 ea. The length and width of leaves were 9.2 cm and 1.1 cm, respectively. The weight and circumference of bulb were about 24.6 g and 11.6 cm, respectively. 'Point' cultivar had resistance to bulb rot disease. The flowering duration was 16.1 days. The preference was good to 4.1 on 5 grades. 'Point' cultivar was registered as a new variety with No. 3446 in Korea Seed and Variety Service on April 2011.
절화용 아시아틱나리 신품종 '포인트(Point)' 품종은 2000년에 자생 하늘나리를 모본으로 하고 교잡계통중 주황색계통인 97-5계통을 부본으로 하여 교배하였다. 2005년~2008년까지 대관령에서 여름 시설재배를 통하여 생육 및 개화특성을 검정한 후 최종적으로 선발하여 '포인트(Point)'로 명명하였다. '포인트(Point)' 품종은 화색이 적색의 꽃봉오리를 지닌 오랜지 적색(O-R N30C)의 꽃이며 중심부로 반점이 있다. 암술은 갈색이고 수술은 진갈색이다. 개화기는 7월 8일이며 초장은 88.2 cm, 절화당 꽃수는 5.4개로 많다. 내화피장은 6.3 cm, 내화피폭이 3.2 cm로 대조품종 플라토보다 작은 꽃이다. 엽수는 12.2개이며 잎의 크기는 엽장이 9.2 cm, 엽폭이 1.1 cm로 좁고 짧았다. 구근무게는 24.6 g, 구주는 11.6 cm이다. 병에 대한 저항성은 강하며 개화기간은 16.1일로 길었고 기호도에 있어서도 4.1로 좋은 반응을 보였다.