Community design education has covered the worldview dimension of the collaborative courses for sustainability draws on the architectural expertise developed in a network of community projects and therefore case studies of design education by the collaborative project-based learning in terms of participants, students, teachers and architects, such as 'Learning By Design' for the K-12 comprehensive program in Massachusetts addresses how a local society can make its community sustainable by both design and education. To understand that community design and education can provide professional development in all levels of skills and knowledge across disciplines and opportunities for collaborative learning and problem-solving, this research consists of case studies of the community design education including social systems that assist in organizing the local educational program as well as promoting the programs with public awareness of the community. It covers the UNESCO-UIA agenda of the community design and education that is to enhance the physical environment relating to human interaction by developing innovative alternatives of existing community and contributing voluntarily to neighborhoods through design. As the community design collaborative of design professionals and users is a structural approach to assess design quality, the cases address how to set up the architectural program in order to share pro bono design service and provide high-quality design resources available for sustainable environment.