This study aims to analyze chlidcare philosophy and the architectural characteristics of communal childcare cooperative nurseries(parent cooperative childcare facilities), and also to examine their mutual relationship. The communal childcare cooperative is an ideal childcare method to break away from employee-supported childcare system and cooperatively solve childcare problems in the family community system. The child-rearing philosophy of the communal childcare can bring spontaneous and creative development amidst 'daily life' and 'play' by switching from knowledge and skill-oriented education and puts an emphasis on physical environments in child's growth. The features of architecture related the childcare philosophy derived from this study are as follows: the way of participation and self-help, the extension of spatial scope and focuses on outside space, architecture of house-like residence rather than educational facility, spatial 'overlapping' focusing on transitional space and multi-purpose space rather than spatial partitions, the pursuit of creativity through play is realized in the incompletion and unspecification of space evolving over time.