An Analysis of Transition about Architectural Space on the Elementary Schools with the Change of Policy for School Facilities

교육시설 정책 변천에 따른 초등학교 건축공간 변화 추이 분석

  • Received : 2012.02.08
  • Accepted : 2012.03.22
  • Published : 2012.03.30


This study is carried out to analyze transition about educational facilities of elementary schools with the change of policy and to find out a developmental direction for qualitative improvement. An analysis of blueprints is done to 34 elementary schools representing periodic characteristics after the 1960's. As a result, various cases were shown in arrangement type, unit space, block planning and plane planning of the schools after a abolition of law about the standardization of educational facilities on 1997, however, they were showing a tendency to simplify after the introduction of BTL on 2005. Spatial composition factors were very various in the schools planned from the middle of 1990's to the early of 2000's. Meanwhile, nearly fifty percent of occupying ratio about learning space in the schools of standard type was gradually decreased by modernization planning on 1990's. However, it was increased a little again after the BTL. In case of living area, the occupying ratio was comparatively high in the schools having characteristics of 1990's and it also tends to increase after the introduction of BTL.



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  1. A Study on Space Utilization of the After-school Programs in Elementary School - Focus on the Relationship of Local Public Facilities - vol.20, pp.6, 2013,