빌라 로톤다(Villa Rotonda)와 빌라 피사니(Villa Pisani)의 비교에 관한 연구

A Study on the Comparison of Villa Rotonda and Villa Pisani

  • 투고 : 2012.11.16
  • 심사 : 2012.12.06
  • 발행 : 2012.12.25


The works of Vicenzo Scamozzi, the successor of Andrea Palladio are able to be comparable with Palladio's works in various ways. When comparing Villa Pisani of Scamozzi with Villa Rotonda of Palladio, their difference is evident. Both Villa Pisani and Rotonda are vacation villas located on low hills and have the magnificent beauty that overpowers their surrounding rural sceneries. However, Scamozzi doesn't show an obsession about Palladio's proportion. Palladio expressed the symbolic meaning of the villa as the center of surrounding rural scenery by having same porticos for all four facades of a square. On the contrary, Scamozzi built a portico only for one facade and constructed open loggias with serliana motif for other three facades. These loggias help lighting and ventilation of rooms located behind of loggias. Geometric innocence that is pursued by Palladio's villa can be understood as the archeological classism based on the nature interpretation from a classical viewpoint. On the contrary, Scamozzi pursued his own architectural characters that apply buildings to fit to their environment.



  1. Andrea Palladio, Tranlated by Adolf K. Placzek, The Four Books on Architecture, Dover Publications, 1975
  2. Vincenzo Scamozzi, Tranlated by Koen Ottenheym, Henk Scheepmaker, Patty Garvin, Wolbert Vroom, The Idea of a Universal Architecture, Architectura & Natura Press, 2004
  3. Ann Marie Borys, incenzo Scamozzi, Inventor: Architectural Denmonstrations fron the Last Renaissance Treatise , 1998
  4. Architectural Theory (From the Renaissance to the Present), Taschen, 2003
  5. Andrew Hopkins, Italian Architecture from Michelangelo to Borromini, Thames & Hudson world of art
  6. R. Wittkower, 이대암 옮김, 르네상스 건축의 원리 (Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism), 대우출판사, 1997
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