A Study of the Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention for Organic Food: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior

유기농식품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도 영향요인 분석 계획적 행동이론을 중심으로

  • Choi, Hwa-Sun (Department of Business Administration, Kyungdong University) ;
  • Lee, Kwang-Keun (College of Health Industry, Eulji University)
  • Received : 2012.01.18
  • Accepted : 2012.02.15
  • Published : 2012.02.28


Well-being is a reflection of current sociocultural trends that focus on the quality of life based on economic growth. Furthermore, organic food is believed to help people maintain good health and therefore leads to increased consumption of organic foods. Therefore, consumer interest in organic food is increasing, causing its market to grow, and this trend will be maintained in the future. The abuse of agricultural pesticides, gene manipulation, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy has caused consumers to worry about food safety. The well-being trend has also contributed to consumers' growing interest inorganic food and organic agricultural products. A consumer's choice offood is a complex processes affected by various factors. In particular, organic food is considered an individualistic merit good, considering the consumers' preferences related to certification policies. Therefore, various factors such as personal characteristics and sense of value could affect consumers' decisions. This research focused on an analysis of the factors influencing consumers' purchasing intention for organic food on the basis of an increase in organic food consumption. The research method was based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Factors such as consumer characteristics regarding food consumption, purchasing frequency, and other factors affecting purchasing intention were presented. The hypothesis was set using advanced research and stated that it is easier to forecast purchasing intentions by combining the theory of planned behavior and personal characteristics of consumer. The results show that two dimensions, attitude and perceived behavioral control, have statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention. It can be said that a positive attitude toward organic foods in particular increases the possibility of purchasing intention. In addition, consumers who consume more organic food products are more likely to have positive attitudes, and, in the past, purchasing frequency has positively influenced purchasing intention of organic foods. Consumers' negative feelings about the non-purchase of organic foods also showed a negative influence on purchasing intentions. In other words, even though consumers feel uncomfortable when not consuming organic food products, they do not try to purchase such products because of this feeling of discomfort. Furthermore, the subjective norm and the behavioral control of food-related involvement do not have a statistically significant influence on the purchasing intention or attitudes. This research verified the influence of factors related to purchasing intention. This study has several limitations: (1) even though consumers' responses can change based on the type of food, the types of food were not classified in this study; (2) future studies are necessary to analyze the attitudes of consumers on the basis of their purchasing experiences with organic foods.

본 연구는 소비자의 구매의도 형성과 관련된 선행요인을 설명하는 주된 이론인 계획적 행동모델을 토대로 식품 관련 및 식품소비관련 소비자의 개성특성, 과거 구매행동 빈도 등의 요인들을 포함하여 유기농식품에 대한 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 구체적인 영향요인을 제시하고자 이루어졌다. 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 계획적 행동모델에서 주관적 규범을 제외한 태도, 지각된 행위통제(비용)는 구매의도에 유의하게 영향력이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 유기농식품에 대해 긍정적인 태도를 가질수록 구매의도가 증가할 확률이 높아진다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 식품에 대한 관심이 많고 중요하게 생각하는 소비자일수록 유기농식품에 대하여 호의적인 태도를 가지게 될 확률이 증가하며, 과거에 유기농식품을 구매한 빈도가 유기농식품에 대한 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 유기농식품을 이용하지 않을 경우 나타날 수 있는 소비자의 부정적 감정이 유기농식품에 대한 구매의도에 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 주관적 규범은 구매의도에, 식품 관련 개성특성(저항감)은 태도에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 연구결과는 점차적으로 계획적 행동모델의 설명력을 높이기 위해 다양한 요인들을 포함하는 모델의 확장에 대한 필요성이 제기되고 있는 가운데, 향후 소비자들의 구매행동에 있어 구매의도에 추가적인 요인들의 영향력을 검증하였다는 점에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있다. 하지만 본 연구에서는 식품의 종류를 구분하지 않고 조사하였기 때문에 식품의 종류에 따라 소비자의 반응이 다를 수 있기에 향후에는 이점을 보완해 나가야할 것이며, 또한 구매경험여부에 따라 군집을 나누어 연구하지 않았기 때문에 유기농식품의 구매경험여부에 따라 구매자들을 비교, 검토하여 연구해나가야 필요성이 제기된다.
