우수사례로 보는 학교시설의 범죄예방환경설계

School CPTED through Case Study

  • 발행 : 2012.11.30




  1. 대검찰청, 범죄분석, 2009-2011
  2. (사)한국셉테드학회, 2010 제1회 안전한 주거단지 조성을 위한 CPTED 아이디어공모 작품집, 2010
  3. Florida Department of Education, Florida Safety School Design Guidelines, 2003
  4. National Crime Prevention Council, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidebook, 2003
  5. NSW Police Force, Residential House and Unit Complex Assessment, 2007
  6. The State of Queensland, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design-Guidelines for Queensland, 2007