Cross-Layer Reduction of Wireless Network Card Idle Time to Optimize Energy Consumption of Pull Thin Client Protocols

  • Received : 2010.09.03
  • Accepted : 2011.05.18
  • Published : 2012.02.28


Thin client computing trades local processing for network bandwidth consumption by offloading application logic to remote servers. User input and display updates are exchanged between client and server through a thin client protocol. On wireless devices, the thin client protocol traffic can lead to a significantly higher power consumption of the radio interface. In this article, a cross-layer framework is presented that transitions the wireless network interface card (WNIC) to the energy-conserving sleep mode when no traffic from the server is expected. The approach is validated for different wireless channel conditions, such as path loss and available bandwidth, as well as for different network roundtrip time values. Using this cross-layer algorithm for sample scenario with a remote text editor, and through experiments based on actual user traces, a reduction of the WNIC energy consumption of up to 36.82% is obtained, without degrading the application's reactivity.



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