Multi Layered Planting Models of Zelkova serrata Community according to Warmth Index

온량지수에 따른 느티나무군락의 다층구조 식재모델

  • Received : 2012.02.08
  • Accepted : 2012.04.04
  • Published : 2012.04.30


This study suggested the planting model of Zelkova serrata communities in the areas with the warmth index of both 80~100 and $100{\sim}120^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. Warmth index was calculated with 449 weather points using inverse distance weighted interpolation method. The planting species were selected by correlation analysis between Z. serrata and each species of four or more frequency among the 36 relev$\acute{e}$ surveyed for this study. The result of this study is summarized as follows : Warmth index of Z. serrata communities was among $74{\sim}118^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. Results of the correlation analysis between Z. serrata and each species observed that the Z. serrata belongs to the tree layer with warmth index of 80~100 and $100{\sim}120^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. On the other hand, the species of Carpinus laxiflora, Quercus serrata, Prunus sargentii and Platycarya strobilacea appeared only in the tree layer with warmth index of $80{\sim}100^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. Z. serrata and Styrax japonica appeared in the subtree layer with the warmth index of 80~100 and $100{\sim}120^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$, while Acer pseudosieboldianum, Lindera erythrocarpa, Acer mono, Quercus serrata, etc. appeared in the subtree layer with the warmth index of $80{\sim}100^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. Z. serrata, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Lindera obtusiloba, Callicarpa japonica and Zanthoxylum schinifolium all appeared in the shrub layer with the warmth index of 80~100 and $100{\sim}120^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$. Lindera erythrocarpa, Orixa japonica, Staphylea bumalda, Akebia quinata and Sorbus alnifolia appeared in the shrub layer with the warmth index of $80{\sim}100^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$ and Styrax japonica and Stephanandra incisa appeared in the shrub layer with the warmth index of $100{\sim}120^{\circ}C{\cdot}month$, The numbers of each species planted in a $100m^2$ area of the Z. serrata community were suggested as follows : five in tree layer, five in subtree layer and nine in shrub layer. The average area of canopy are suggested to be about $86m^2$ for tree layer, $34m^2$ for subtree layer and $34m^2$ for shrub layer.



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