Effect of Neighborhood Environment on Resident's Bicycle Use in Changwon

지역주민들의 자전거이용에 영향을 미치는 근린환경 요인분석 - 창원시를 대상으로 -

  • 원동혁 (국립 공주대학교 도시.교통공학과) ;
  • 이경환 (국립 공주대학교 건설환경공학부 도시.교통전공)
  • Received : 2012.09.06
  • Published : 2012.12.25


This study aims to analyze the impact of neighbourhood environmental factor on the local residents' use of bicycle in order to revitalize the use of bicycle that is emerging as a means of eco-friendly and healthy transportation along with the increase of interest in urban environment, energy and heath. For this study, a survey was conducted through a questionnaire to the residents in Changwon-si and, based on this survey, this study analyzed the perceived neighbourhood environmental factors that influence the satisfaction level of using bicycle and the factors that influence the bicycle use behavior. The result of analysis showed that the satisfaction level of using bicycle was influenced by 4 factors such as quality of bikeway, quality of conveniences for bicycle, accessibility of major conveniences and variety of street environment. As for the bicycle use behavior, the closer the distance between home and school or work, the higher the possibility to use bicycle for commuting. Especially, in case the distance to a bikeway is less than 100m, the probability of commuting by bicycle increases by 1.6%, which showed that the accessibility of bikeway would be acting as an important factor to revitalize public's commuting by bicycle. As for exercise and leisure activities, the perceived neighbourhood environmental factors such as quality of bikeway, quality of conveniences for bicycle, accessibility of major conveniences and variety of street environment have an influence on the use of bicycle for exercise and leisure activities by the midium of the satisfaction level of using bicycle. It is expected that such results can be helpful in future to establish a direction and ground for designing a bike-friendly urban environment.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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