An Empirical Study on the City Design Attributes Influencing City Image Making-Focusing on the Factor of Cognition

도시 디자인 속성이 도시 이미지 메이킹 요인에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구 - 인지도를 중심으로 -

  • 이인수 (신안산대학교 산업디자인과, 홍익대 대학원) ;
  • 임채진 (홍익대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2012.07.04
  • Published : 2012.11.25


This study is written for analyzing what the most significant elements of city design attributes and factors of city image making which is composed of cognition, attractiveness and reliability are in the field of city design in Korea. The essential purpose of this study is to test empirically the cause and effect relationship of between the city design attributes and the cognition factor of city making for the better efficiency of the research, especially focusing on the abstract and general concept. Therefore, this study is not case study. This study is organized in two stages. First, the study model is framed by reappraising relevant theories, previous studies and the current city design trend. Second, the survey of the city design specialists practicing in Korea is implemented by collecting questionnaires. SPSS 12.0 for windows is being activated for correlation, reliability, validity and multi regression with stepwise is utilized to testing the hypotheses. In conclusion partially, for better city design making based on cognition, Korean city design specialist are proved to activate the physical factor including visibility, form range and location.



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