서울시 도시형 생활주택의 개발특성에 관한 연구

The Development Pattern of Urban Multi-Family Housing in Seoul

  • 투고 : 2012.06.29
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


The study has been conducted in two different scales in order to analyze the development pattern of new architectural type under existing conditions. The first is in metropolitan scale, looking into the distributions of development sites all over the city of Seoul since the new concept was announced. And the second is in individual site scale, which is about how the new concept of housing development has been adapting to the existing urban tissue around. For the study, the samples were selected considering the characteristic patterns of Locational Characteristics, and then more detailed study about that characteristics has been conducted. 5 aspects has been founded from this study. For the first, it is founded that the most of this new development type, urban multi-family housing, has been constructed on General Residential Zone 2, and in this case, the housing type is almost all of the Studio Plan Type which is one of 3 different plan types of this new housing types. Secondly, Urban Multi-family Housing has been developed in a close relationship with the Metro Line 2 and Line 7. In other words, a number of these developments are located within station areas of Line 2 and 7. For the third, the site areas for Urban Multi-family Housing developments are smaller than those for the similar exiting development type of multi-family housing, although the development densities for both cases are quite similar with each other. The forth, the value of OSR(Outdoor Space Ratio) is relatively low when the development site has road frontage to the North. For the last but not the least, the most building cases with low OSR have fully or partially been elevated on pilotis. Through this pilotis space, the entrance process is homogeneous and monotonous, which is the characteristics of Studio type housing on General Residential Zone 2. All these findings could be basic material for any advanced study about the detailed development patterns of new housing type. Moreover, these could provide helpful data for future studying on "desirable" urban housing.



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