1960년대와 1970년대 초반의 공영 공동주택에 보이는 공유주택화 경향

Characteristics of Communalization of Government Managing Apartment Houses Built in Korea from the 1960's to the Early 1970's

  • 투고 : 2012.07.05
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


A method to provide shared housing with minimum dwelling units was planned by specialists in the West in the early 20th century and affected government managing apartment houses in Korea. The tendency to make shared housing can be summarized as two steps : First, minimum dwelling units are planned. Integration of spaces which have similar programs and commercialization of making food are related features of minimum dwelling units. Second, specific programs which cannot be put into the units due to their small size are planned as shared space. Shared housing holds a potential to enhance a communalized way of living. The government managing apartment houses in Korea from the 1960's to the early 1970's were equipped with minimum dwelling units. Commercialization of making food was attempted but the culture of making traditional Korean sauces and storing them in the house did not easily change. This cultural tendency triggered unique plans of Korean apartment houses which enables dwellers to store traditional sauces. Meanwhile, lavatory, corridor and courtyard were shared but planning of these shared space did not have an intention to enhance the communalized way of living. On the contrary, a tendency of pursuing high degree of privacy was major preference of dwellers in these shared housing and this affected to the way of planning apartment houses after the 1970's.



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