일본의 노후 주거지 재생을 위한 지원정책 및 지표연구

A Study on the Support System and Indicators for Rehabilitation of Deteriorated Residential Blocks in Japan

  • 투고 : 2012.09.06
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


There is a growing tendency within old towns to analyze spatial characteristics to initiate various sustainable development programs and systems to make high-quality small-medium local cities. Professional research institutions in Korea are looking for new guidance into making housing regeneration policies and for trying to merge different functions. But there is a lack of research on support indicators and legal systems for residents. The purpose of this study will analyzed the support systems and indicators of Japan for declined residential blocks in urban. Because the Japanese government have developed the policy for declined housing blocks. And they are establishing support systems to improve the quality of the residential environment and the resettlement of existing residents. First, this research study the condition of declined housing blocks in Japan. Secondly, support systems and policies of municipal levels are investigated and analyzed. Thirdly, physical and economic support indicators for rehabilitation are analyzed. Finally, a case is analyzed to derive the strength of this system. As a result, this study will help to make support indicators and systems for the urban poor.



연구 과제번호 : 저층주거지 재생을 위한 지원정책 및 계획방향

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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