A Study on Collaborative Housing Pattern by Household Change

가구구조 변화에 따른 협력적 주거 패턴 연구

  • 정일훈 (안양대 도시정보공학과) ;
  • 김진구 (안양대 도시정보공학과)
  • Received : 2012.07.05
  • Published : 2012.11.25


Since 2000s as social and economic changing, household structure has been changed from traditional household structure like nuclear family to non-traditional household structure like single household. This study presents future housing policy and the feasibility of collaborative housing pattern which is an alternative for new housing search in the near future and suitable for distinctiveness of non-traditional houshold structure. Therefore, the study carried out a survey, and then the study analyzed the survey for frequency, chi-square, and one way analysis of variance. The survey questioned preference of collaborative housing, forecasting applicability in Korea, and the direction of housing policy in the future by professional group and ordinary households. With this survey the study shows that preference groups are outnumbers by non-preference groups. Especially, in case of elderly household and family without children, the study represents high preference because this is proportional to stay at house. With this, the survey shows that small-size housing for small-size household and housing for elderly household are typical demand in the future. For this reason, the study presents that collaborative housing for non-traditional household, especially, elderly household, would be revitalized as new housing pattern with neighbors as the center of community.



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