A Comparative Study on User-centered Complex of Welfare Facilities in Korea and Japan

한.일 노인복지시설의 이용자중심 복합화에 관한 비교연구

  • Received : 2012.08.02
  • Published : 2012.10.25


For the world as an aging society, the welfare facilities have increased. However, because of high land prices in the metropolitan area and residents' opposition, it is difficult to ensure the site of welfare facilities. The requirement for complex of welfare facilities is gradually increasing and several types of welfare facilities complex are creating. The purpose of this study is finding out the differences of space used and program progress through to examine comparison the user-centered Complex of Welfare Facilities for the elderly complexity in Korea and Japan. For this purpose, this research used investigation method for two welfare complex facilities specific space and program. As a result, when seen from the spatial aspects of Welfare Facilities for elderly Complex, a dedicated space segmentation is shown in Korean facility better than in Japanese one. But, judging from the program aspects Welfare Facilities for elderly Complex, exchange programs between users are provided in Japanese facility better than Korean one.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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