A Study on Characteristic of 'Soziale Stadt' in Germany - Sustainable Integrative Urban Regeneration using of District Assets -

독일 도시재생프로그램 'Soziale Stadt'의 특성 연구 - 지역자산을 활용하는 지속가능한 통합적 도시재생 -

  • 김현주 (수원대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2012.07.05
  • Published : 2012.10.25


Since 1999 'Soziale Stadt' was performed as urban regeneration program in Germany for sustainable integrative improvement of districts with special development needs. Its goal was to counteract the widening social-spatial rifts in the cities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of action and coordination methods of 'Soziale Stadt' based on case study. The substantive activity area of 'Soziale Stadt' is in an integrated manner considering physical environmental, economic, social and cultural fields. They are improvements of aging buildings, expansion of public space and infrastructure for physical environmental sustainability, strengthening of employment creation, improvement of local economic for economic sustainability and strengthening regional cooperative, reduction of social isolation, activating of local culture, improvement of local image for social and cultural sustainability. The strategic methods of 'Soziale Stadt' are in the way of using of district assets, pooling financial resources and in neighbourhood management for organizing local interests. The results of this study are expected to serve some clues for the future direction of sustainable integrative district regeneration in Korea.



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