A Study on Characteristics of Land Use Plan according to Urban Design's Setting of Architecture

도시설계의 건축설정에 따른 토지이용계획 유형 및 특성

  • Received : 2011.03.03
  • Published : 2012.09.25


This study notes changing trends of land use plan proposed in the experimental design competitions and special planning districts since 2006. These changes have commonly resulted from the increase of architectural intervention in the process of urban design. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent of differentiated values depending on urban design's setting of architecture. To achieve this, the first part of the study examined urban design's settings of architecture in Korean urban design system, conventional design participants and design process. This illustrated that architecture has been excluded in the planning of land use, which is regarded as a crucial process in urban design. After this certification, external motives which have affected land use plan were synthesized; ordering organization, main land use, development scale and location. Among these factors, ordering organization, scale and location were decisive, which eventually linked to the problem of design participants. On the basis of this synthesis, types of land use plan could be categorized into three groups; 1) distributional planning of land use excluding architectural design, 2) partial designing of urban space accompanied with architectural design and 3) total designing of urban space integrated with architectural design. As a result of analyzing characteristics of these tree types, this study has certified that architectural design should participate in the planning of land use as a super ordinate concept in order to create vitalized urban spaces supported by walkability and affordance.



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