A Study on the Flexibility on the Space of Kyoto Machiya as Japanese Traditional Urban Housing Type

일본 전통도시주거 교토 마치야(京町家) 공간에 내재된 유연성(柔軟性)에 관한 연구

  • 한지애 (한남대학교 아시아건축연구실(ATA))
  • Received : 2012.07.04
  • Published : 2012.09.25


Kyoto Machiya(町家) is the Japanese traditional urban housing type mainly introducing as Japanese townhouses or Japanese courtyard garden houses. Japanese Machiya is often referred as an equivalent traditional housing type, eventhough it has clearly different space layout with those of Chinese Siheyuan(四合院) and Korean Hanok(韓屋) in terms of the shape of lots, or the relationship of rooms. That is because Machiya has Japanese representative space composition which creates its own pattern for flexibility, spatial ambiguity, and asymmetric harmony. This paper aims to extract the spatial patterns by clarifying its way how to set up the space layout with different walls, various levels' floor or in-between void space in Machiya. Research process includes two methods such as the analysis of relevant references to retrace the historical transition, and fieldwork to arrange the spatial clues. Machiya's unit space as shop area, house area, gardens, storage, restrooms, and circulation service area indicates what is the typical space composition of Machiya. According to the number of gardens, each type shares the unique space setting. And the service area such as Toriniwa(通り庭) has the key function which makes the connection between inside space and outside space, providing the clue to trace the way how to people perceive the sense of boundary in Machiya.



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