일본 공공시설 및 보행로 휴식공간의 시각장애인을 고려한 건축계획요소

A Study on Architectural Planning for Barrier-Free Resting Place of Public Facilities and Pedestrian Passages in Japan

  • 조민정 (일본 효고현립 복지마을조성연구소)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.05
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


Purpose of this study is to provide detailed components required for planning barrier free resting place by types focusing on utilization of such places by the visually impaired and their evaluation. Major methods of research that have been employed were survey and study on the actual condition. firstly, those who were surveyed recognized resting place as much needed place to ensure mobility and accessibility, regardless of their level of blindness. Secondly, in surveying necessary functions and components in planning barrier-free resting place, priorities were given to 'identifiability', 'usefulness', 'comfort', 'spacious area', 'seat vicinity area', 'enough number of seats', 'spacious spacing between seats' and 'seat arrangement that allows easy recognition'. Among these, 'identifiability' and 'seat arrangement that allows easy recognition' were the components due to the impairment characteristics of the visually impaired to whom simple circulation system is the most important. Thirdly, enough number of seats need to be secured in places where pedestrian traffic and risk are high such as stations and bus stops. It would be also desirable to arrange such resting place in the proximity of staircases or exits so as for it not to intersect with the circulation of general users.



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