서울시 자치구별 초.중등학생 이동과 그 요인에 관한 연구

A Study on Investigating the Determinants of Student Migration in Seoul Metropolitan City

  • 투고 : 2012.02.04
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


Reports on population movement(2000-2030) by the National Statistical Office show that the number of elementary school age population will be decreased by 1.4million in 2020. It will effect both school size and the policies for school facilities, which have focused on downsizing class as the high standard of OECD nations. As the unfolding evidence is emerging that a number of schools and classes will be emptied out by 2030. This study aims to investigate the determinants of student migration in Seoul Metropolitan City. It suggests 16 underlying factors that cause migration of school ages such as school density, student density, educational environment, urban spatial structure, residence condition, high-ranked college entrance, apartment price of 25 local governments(gu) in Soul. This study calculates the correlation coefficient between migration of school age and 16 factors, and compares them among 25 districts and analyzes between elementary and middle/high school. As the result of study, there are very significant correlations between migration of school age and educational attainment(high-ranked college entrance), economic factor(apartment price). The migration of elementary and high school student are highly affected by housing cost more than educational result. On the other hand the migration of middle school student results in educational attainment more than economic factor. Finally it is suggested that a long-term perspective should be taken toward research between the educational effects in migration of school age and the differentiation of urban space and should prepare to amend education environment of low-rank local government and student out-flow schools.



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