A Framework of the Open BIM-based Integrated Information System for the Korean Traditional House

개방형BIM 기반 한옥건축 통합정보시스템 프레임워크

  • Received : 2011.09.19
  • Published : 2012.09.25


As there has been a growing concern about environmental problems, ecological concepts apply for green growth in the field of architecture. Thereupon, the demand and interest for the Korean Traditional House known as typical of environment-friendly houses increased. There are lots of difficulties in applying the Korean Traditional House to design and construction phases, because of the lack of experts and data to support the demand. To solve these problems, a system for construction and dissemination of information about the Korean Traditional House is required. Throughout applying an Open BIM to the Korean Traditional House, this paper focuses on the requirements and a standardized system for effective utilization of information. In addition, the authors propose a framework including the integrated information system which will utilize and further disseminate the information. The application of an Open BIM-based system helps increase interoperability among heterogeneous BIM tools. Also, the standardized system makes it possible to define standard elements. It is hoped that the typology elements make mass production possible. The framework will greatly contribute to the design and construction of the Korean Traditional House.



Supported by : 국토해양부


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