A Study on Double Diffusing Daylight System for Contemporary Art Museums

현대미술관의 이중 확산형 자연채광에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2012.02.01
  • Published : 2012.08.25


The study is on double diffusing daylight system applied to exhibition spaces in recent contemporary art museums. The diffusing daylight system was generally used in classical art museums until artificial lighting prevailed on. It is a method of spreading daylight through at least two layers and bringing into the exhibition space. While in the modern age, artificial lighting could cause the revolutionary shapes of art museums, the premodern method of skylight is generalized by pioneering architects. for the space of totally different contemporary art. The revival of daylighting is due to the obvious reason that daylighting is most suitable for appreciation of art, including the developments of protection of ultra-violet light while he daylighting has been used for emotional place in the modern art museums. the contemporary museums use daylight for the main light which is controled by adding spot lights and blackout screen. Therefore, its technical engineering is major element which determines the shape of art museums. The double diffusing daylight system is mostly used through skylight. However, recently, the method of flowing from clerestories and spreading through transparent ceiling is also in use and is being in revolution.



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