단위생활권 설정과 생활기반시설 계획을 통한 일반노후주거지 관리방안 연구

A Proposal for the Neighborhood Unit and Neighborhood Scaled Infrastructure in the Deteriorated Residential Area

  • 장재일 (경일대학교 부동산지적학과) ;
  • 배웅규 (중앙대학교 사회기반시스템공학부 도시시스템공학전공)
  • 투고 : 2012.03.20
  • 발행 : 2012.07.25


Recently as problems caused by the scrap and build typed redevelopment are increased, so residential regeneration for the incremental improvement upgrading method are strongly needed. To pursue rehabilitation process, not redevelopment process, we should solve these problems in deteriorated residential area: infrastructure shortage, low-level residential convenience, etc. This study regard appropriate infrastructure as a major factor of sustainable neighborhood regeneration. And this study is aimed at suggesting a guideline of infrastructure plan in detached housing area. This study focuses mainly on the deteriorated residential areas with good infrastructures which are redeveloped in the near future. As a result, this study defines the terms of 'Neighborhood Unit' and 'Neighborhood leveled infrastructure'. The former is the smallest neighborhood whose center is a kindergarten or children's park. It's size is about $100,000m^2$. The latter is the infrastructure to support the unit neighborhood. Also this study suggests planning standard and establishment method for living infrastructures in a unit neighborhood. These guidelines should be applied to local situation flexibly.



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