Flexural behavior model for post-tensioned concrete members with unbonded tendons

  • Kim, Kang Su (Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Seoul) ;
  • Lee, Deuck Hang (Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Seoul)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.11
  • 심사 : 2012.03.19
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


The need for long-span members increases gradually in recent years, which makes issues not only on ultimate strength but also on excessive deflection of horizontal members important. In building structures, the post-tension methods with unbonded tendons are often used for long-span members to solve deflection problems. Previous studies on prestressed flexural members with unbonded tendons, however, were mostly focused on the ultimate strength. For this reason, their approaches are either impossible or very difficult to be implemented for serviceability check such as deflection, tendons stress, etc. Therefore, this study proposed a flexural behavior model for post-tensioned members with unbonded tendons that can predict the initial behavior, before and after cracking, service load behavior and ultimate strength. The applicability and accuracy of the proposed model were also verified by comparing with various types of test results including internally and externally post-tensioned members, a wide range of reinforcement ratios and different loading patterns. The comparison showed that the proposed model very accurately estimated both the flexural behavior and strength for these members. Particularly, the proposed model well reflected the effect of various loading patterns, and also provided good estimation on the flexural behavior of excessively reinforced members that could often occur during reinforcing work.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : Korea Research Foundation


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