Discrete optimization of trusses using an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm and the fly-back mechanism

  • Fiouz, A.R. (Civil Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, Persian Gulf University) ;
  • Obeydi, M. (Civil Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, Persian Gulf University) ;
  • Forouzani, H. (Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department, California State University) ;
  • Keshavarz, A. (Civil Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, Persian Gulf University)
  • 투고 : 2012.03.08
  • 심사 : 2012.10.27
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


Truss weight is one of the most important factors in the cost of construction that should be reduced. Different methods have been proposed to optimize the weight of trusses. The artificial bee colony algorithm has been proposed recently. This algorithm selects the lightest section from a list of available profiles that satisfy the existing provisions in the design codes and specifications. An important issue in optimization algorithms is how to impose constraints. In this paper, the artificial bee colony algorithm is used for the discrete optimization of trusses. The fly-back mechanism is chosen to impose constraints. Finally, with some basic examples that have been introduced in similar articles, the performance of this algorithm is tested using the fly-back mechanism. The results indicate that the rate of convergence and the accuracy are optimized in comparison with other methods.



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