Influential Characteristics of Decoction Waters on Extraction of Components in Corydalis Tuber Analyzed by Multiple Factor Analysis

다중요인 분석에 의한 전탕용수에 따른 현호색 성분의 추출효과 비교

  • Kim, Tae-Jin (Graduate School of New Drug Discovery and Development, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Seo, Eun-Young (Graduate School of New Drug Discovery and Development, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Jang, Yu-Seon (Drug Development & Research Institute, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Sang-Hyuck (College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Dae-Hyeon (College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Chu, Van Men (College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Hee (College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University) ;
  • Kang, Jong-Seong (College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University)
  • 김태진 (충남대학교 신약전문대학원) ;
  • 서은영 (충남대학교 신약전문대학원) ;
  • 장유선 (충남대학교 의약품개발연구소) ;
  • 김상혁 (충남대학교 약학대학 약학과) ;
  • 김대현 (충남대학교 약학대학 약학과) ;
  • 주반멘 (충남대학교 약학대학 약학과) ;
  • 김동희 (대전대학교 한의학과) ;
  • 강종성 (충남대학교 약학대학 약학과)
  • Received : 2011.12.23
  • Accepted : 2012.02.24
  • Published : 2012.03.31


The characteristics of decoction water are important for the extraction of herbal drugs. In this study, the relationship between the characteristics of water and extraction efficiency of bioactive compounds from Corydalis tuber was investigated. Six different types of decoction water, including three types of mineral water from Jeju Island and three types of bottled water sold in market, were used as decoction water for the extraction of bioactive compounds from Corydalis tuber. The contents of minerals in six types of water were analyzed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS; the contents of extracted bioactive compounds were analyzed by HPLC. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze the differences in total extraction and bioactive compounds extracted with six types of water. Multiple factor analysis was used to analyze the relationship among the pH, content of mineral, anion, total extractions and content of bioactive components as factors. There was a significant difference among the six types of water in the total extracts and the bioactive compounds. The results proved that the content of extracted compounds from Corydalis tuber was influenced by the types of decoction water.



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