A way of life perceived from the Chinese poem of Nam Hyo-On - Focusing on wound and healing -

남효온(南孝溫)의 한시(漢詩)를 통해 본 삶의 방식 - 상처와 치유를 중심으로 -

  • 투고 : 2012.10.31
  • 심사 : 2012.11.29
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


This study aims to examine the life of Chugang Nam Hyo-On (1454~1492) from his Chinese poem and to figure out how he overcame and healed his agony and wound. Nam Hyo-On was one of the Saengyuksin who submitted Sureungbokuiso and spent his whole life with alcohol and wandering. Thus, he is known to be a hermit writer or stranger. He had to suffer poverty during his life thanks to his only one choice. He was weak by nature but also feeble mentally as he always worried about death. In his 30s, he regarded himself as an aged man and always worried about death due to his frequent illness. Sometimes, he used to dream of being forever young. He composed self-elegy poem that is about his death, which is the ever first self-elegy poem in our history. He sent it in his letter to his master Kim Jong Jik (1431-1492) in 1489. His agony and motivation of writing such poem can be conjectured from his master's reply and his self-elegy poem. Nam Hyo-On tried to overcome and heal his real discontent and wound from his literary works. And it seems appropriate to regard him that he attempted to get compensation of his limitation and discontent from literature. We sometimes heal our wound by writings (or literature) and by reflecting through such writings. Nam Hyo-On reminded of his beloved person through his poet writing and healed his fear of wound of death.



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