As Incheon International Airport(IIA) is located in an island 50-km away from Seoul, various travel equipments for access are required. So far two connecting bridges are constructed funded by civilian funds. For the further bridge construction, the reduction of forecast traffic amount and the government subsidy for the civilian funds are big issues. Comparing the access traffics of IIA to those other competing airports, traffic conditions inside the airport are superior to other competing airports from the management point of view, as utilization conditions and equipment capacities are periodically monitored and evaluated to set up comprehensive countermeasures following constructing by stages. However, while the accessability to IIA is very important, as IIA is built on an island the conflicts between near-by developers and traffic facility operators make further bridge construction difficult. As improving the accessibility to an airport is not easy to achieve only by the IIA management's efforts, the central government level authorities should organize a committee with agencies concerned and analyze the characteristics of access traffic periodically to suggest reform measures for each organization concerned to implement appropriate undertakings at apt timing. For the future, central government's level empirical research on the airport accessibility for synthetic and systematic plan set-up is expected.