디지털 변화에 따른 뷰티제품의 휴대기능성 연구

A study in Mobile Functionality of beauty products according to the Digital changes

  • 방기정 (대전대학교 뷰티건강관리학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.11.30
  • 심사 : 2012.01.25
  • 발행 : 2012.02.28


The instant trend of mobile functionality in the digital age is performing a mediating role of promoting the hybrid tendency in fashion and cosmetics industry. Consumers' needs, which are getting complex and diversified along with development in scientific technology, are requiring product of technology equipped with multi-tasking function in the whole industry. The social and cultural factors, which are shown in cosmetics due to the instant trend of mobile functionality, came to be known on the basis of a ground for classification caused by a change in nomadic lifestyle and by the advance in scientific technology. The irst, The mobile functionality, which is being developed in fashion in the digital age, was indicated to be types such as mobility, one-off, and unity. Second, Even the types of mobile functionality, which are also being developed in make-up and cosmetics in digital age, were indicated to be mobility, one-off, and unity. Third, The trend caused by mobile functionality in fashion was consistent with a type in mobile functionality, which is being developed in cosmetics, thereby having been indicated to be the same type. This implies that there is the same type through independent trend in each sphere even while fashion and cosmetics organically function in the middle of the whole frame, which expresses a human being's external beauty, and implies that even the cosmetics are influenced by fashion. Swift-type beauty product, which is thrown away within one week lengthily and after being used once, are being launched diversely. This quick product can be said to be product that best reflected the characteristic of digital age. However, at this point of time that fast fashion and instant cosmetics, which are thrown away in the wake of being worn easily, are overflowing, the clothing and product with perfection, which has philosophy and thinking of being put more devotion, exert more value and are felt to be necessary.



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