Structure, Thermal Stability, and Mechanical Modulus of Polylactide Nanocomposites Reinforced with Organically Modified Layered Silicate

유기화 처리된 층상 실리케이트가 보강된 폴리락티드 나노복합체의 구조, 열안정성 및 기계적 탄성률

  • Kim, Il-Hwan (Department of Materials Design Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Jeong, Young Gyu (Department of Materials Design Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • 김일환 (금오공과대학교 소재디자인공학과) ;
  • 정영규 (금오공과대학교 소재디자인공학과)
  • Received : 2012.07.04
  • Accepted : 2012.08.06
  • Published : 2012.08.31


We have manufactured polylactide (PLA) nanocomposites reinforced with layered silicates by the melt compounding method and have investigated their structure, thermal stability under oxygen or nitrogen atmosphere, and temperature-dependent mechanical modulus by adopting XRD, SEM, TGA, and DMA. Octadecylammonium-modified montmorillonite (organo-MMT) is used as an organically modified layered silicate and, for comparison, sodium montmorillonite (Na-MMT) is adopted as a purely inorganic layered silicate. X-ray diffraction patterns and SEM images confirm that the organo-MMT is intercalated and dispersed homogenously in the PLA matrix, whereas Na-MMT remains unchanged by forming agglomerated domains in the matrix. Unlike the PLA/Na-MMT nanocomposites, the thermal stability of PLA/organo-MMT nanocomposites is found to be substantially improved with the increment of organo-MMT content, especially under oxygen gas atmosphere. In addition, the mechanical modulus of PLA/organo-MMT nanocomposites in the glassy state are highly improved.



Supported by : National Research Foundation of Korea


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