NCW환경에서 지휘통제체계(C4I) 상호운용성 시험평가체계 개선방안 연구

A Study on Improvement Method of Interoperability Test & Evaluation Approach for the C4I Systems in NCW Environment

  • 김경희 (광운대학교 방위사업학과) ;
  • 강석중 (광운대학교 방위사업학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.06.05
  • 심사 : 2012.09.28
  • 발행 : 2012.12.05


The most essential ROC(requirement operational capability) in order to assure the effectiveness of the C4I Systems in NCW Environments is the seamless and stable interoperability between systems. The U.S. Armed Forces that perceived the importance of interoperability, prepared the framework to apply from the proposal of requirement to every step of acquisition process. The Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff is also developing a similar system in order to assure the interoperability between command control(C4I) systems. In the paper, we specify the needs of standardization of test systems and international trends on the technology, and propose an interoperability test & evaluation system based on a standardization conformity method to improve the interoperability test & evaluation for the C4I systems in NCW environments. Finally we show an example of the implementation of the test system and its application to C4I systems to verify the proposed test system.



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