A Comparative Study on Different Characteristics of Social Media and Product Information Processing and Evaluation

블로그-트위터 매체 간 특성 차이 및 사용자 제품정보 처리와 평가차이 비교에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2011.09.30
  • Accepted : 2012.02.16
  • Published : 2012.03.31


The study investigates the media distinctiveness between twitter and other social media and describes how product information interpretation and responsiveness by internet users can be affected by the distinctive characteristics of twitter and blog media. The characteristics include relationship formation patterns among users, channel diversity, immediateness of information communication, information flow within media, media credibility, and management cost. Specifically, we statistically tested whether these characteristics are meaningfully differentiated by users. Results also showed that users perceived product information processing level and product evaluation direction differently based on these media characteristics. The current findings can serve as a pioneering work to provide a theoretical framework for examining social media characteristics and their impacts on consumer perception. In addition, this study practically suggests that marketers and network managers need to use differentiated communication strategies for twitters as a marketing strategic option.



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